Covid Times

Covid Times

I found closing the practice at the beginning of lock down, a little sad, and a little strange…

What makes us resilient

What makes us resilient

I don’t you about you but in these strange times my mood dips and rises, going from feelings of inconsolable sadness to sunny moments when I feel full of gratitude, lucky and brave. These strange times are asking us to dig deep into our souls and to find our bravery. They’re testing our resilience to…

Covid 19 Protocol – Sue Bennett

Covid 19 Protocol – Sue Bennett

Flexible Healing has established a new protocol to treat patients safely amongst the pandemic. As a HCPC registered physiotherapy clinic, we are committed to continue to treat patients in need of care and will be acting in accordance with guidelines from our governing body the LCSP Register. These are the procedures we would like our…

Touch For Health – International Kinesiology College

Touch For Health – International Kinesiology College

These workshops are designed to be inclusive for all students. The Touch For Health (TFH) route may be particularly useful for those interested in ‘finding a new direction’ in life.  Health care professionals, therapists, nutritionists, & chiropractors may add these extra skills to their practice. Learning how to give a TFH ‘Balance’, may help to…

My story, the birth of Transverse STR

My story, the birth of Transverse STR

As a tool I love Soft Tissue Release, (STR) but I found the application at times difficult when I stuck to the rules. But like most therapists I like to experiment and this is one of those situations that led me to think outside of the box.  The question was how could I achieve the same…

Specialising in Oncology Massage

Specialising in Oncology Massage

I have been a massage therapist for 20 plus years. If you have been following my blogs and career then you may well know that I consider myself a holistic practitioner. This means that I treat the body as a whole; I understand the complex interplay between different parts of the body and the symptoms that dysfunction…

Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

Emotional Stress Release (ESR)

This application is taught in Touch For Health level 1. This technique is also used as a Self-Help application. When we are ‘overwhelmed’ by life, we naturally put our head into our hands. This is the body’s own way of reducing the stress we are experiencing. You can do this on yourself or others: This technique…

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