A Balanced View of Fibularis Muscles

A Balanced View of Fibularis Muscles

The Fibularis comprise a group of 3 muscles that form the lateral compartment of the lower leg. They include Fibularis Longus, Brevis and Tertius and can be palpated directly over the fibula on the lateral aspect from just inferior to the head of fibula towards the lateral malleolus.

Massage Speeds Up Circulation?

Massage Speeds Up Circulation?

Our practice is portrayed as an alternative form of medical treatment – a challenger to conventional means. We have always been up against it: a case of massage therapy versus proven procedures. However, we have seen progress.  We are now a legitimate alternative, or as I would prefer to say, we are a complementary service…

Better Breathing Part 1: How stress and anxiety can effect your breathing and how to improve it

Better Breathing Part 1: How stress and anxiety can effect your breathing and how to improve it

Often in times of stress, anxiety or ill-health our breathing patterns can change and become more irregular. We start to use shallow breathing patterns which do not utilise the full lung and breathing capacity, which can often leave us feeling breathless and tense. These breathing patterns can also lead to the build up of tension in the neck and shoulder muscles. This is a three part series and how to analyse your own breathing patterns and some basic exercise to start to improve it to achieve better breathing.

Next coffee morning for members is Thursday 25th November

Next coffee morning for members is Thursday 25th November

Our next coffee morning is scheduled for Thursday 25th November and the Zoom meeting will be open from 1000 to 1100, feel free to drop in/out as you please and your appointments permit,  it will be lovely to see  old and new faces and have a catch up. For the login details please refer to…

Knot Correct?

Knot Correct?

The phrase “muscle knot” is widely used. Most people understand what it is to have one, but recently I’ve noticed some misinformation flying about, and thought I should pose the question as to whether these “knots” are being understood and consequently treated correctly? Could the feeling of tightness and pain we associate with muscle not…

Building Your Success Upon Ours!

Building Your Success Upon Ours!

I am constantly encouraged by the depth of thanks and appreciation that
MSTRR students and practitioners have for this work. I receive daily
expressions of gratitude for the life-changing effects that MSTRR often
has upon their patients.

How can a relaxed jaw improve your running speed

How can a relaxed jaw improve your running speed

If you were to observe a world class sprinter’s jaw in slow motion, you would notice how relaxed it is while running. The fluidity of movement in the upper body, especially the shoulders and arms enable the force of the lower limbs and torso to take over and ultimately produce better form as tension is…

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