Sciatica – A pain in the back side!

Sciatica – A pain in the back side!

Sciatica, have you had it or know someone who has? Up to 40% of the population can suffer with sciatica at some point in their lives, and therefore is a common problem GP’s and therapist see patients for. But what is it and why is it such a pain in the back side? Sciatica is…

Are the words you speak having the desired impact?

Are the words you speak having the desired impact?

It might seem obvious that if you improve your communication skills between yourself and your client it will lead to an increase in positive outcomes, but as massage therapists we often concentrate on our hands on skills and pay little attention to what we say, but what we say really can make a difference to…

Patience and Practice go together

Patience and Practice go together

This can be hard in a world where most of our needs are met in an instance, or the next day. Take away food that is delivered to our door, clothing books, you name it, it can get to us super quick. We have this vast range of Tv that is at our finger’s tips….

SCAR TISSUE – why it shouldn’t be ignored!

SCAR TISSUE – why it shouldn’t be ignored!

Surgical interventions around the world continue to rise. The resulting scars never go away. They are an ever present reminder of the day of that surgery. Scars also arise from accidents, wounds from wars and conflicts, personal attacks and many other traumas. Effective treatment of scar tissue is, for a big percentage of the population,…

What is Biotensegrity

What is Biotensegrity

Recently the BIG XI conference in Belgium has taken place and I was fortunate enough to be one of the invited guests and as it was an invite only conference, I hope to be able to pass on information to many of you as to what biotensegrity is and the importance of it for our…

The Lone Therapist within the Therapeutic Relationship

The Lone Therapist within the Therapeutic Relationship

The professional associations that make up the GCMT represent a diverse group of massage therapists. The results of a recent survey sent to counsel members acknowledged, regardless of the form of massage being delivered, the interconnectedness of physical, psychological and emotional aspects of human beings.

How Massage can Aid Climbers

How Massage can Aid Climbers

You might have watched a climber navigate their way around a vertical wall, or over pendulous boulder and wondered how they manage to make it look so easy. Brooke Raboutou has broken world records on the leading bouldering and sports climbs competitions, utilising her physical skill and mental determination at just eleven years old. Another young female…

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