Noticeboard – Health Professions Council

Warning Letters

It would appear that some Members have received communications from the HPC regarding advertisements or other activities relating to the now protected title of ‘physiotherapist’.

The HPC have clearly stated that they will prosecute in law any person using this protected title if they are not registered. The only exception to this will be in cases of advertising, such as Yellow Pages, where the booking of the advertisement was placed prior to July 9th 2005.

Non registered members who placed advertisements before the closure date in ‘physiotherapy’ sections, will most probably receive a similar standard letter from HPC , but will not face any further action.

The reason this is happening is another organisation representing the interests of physiotherapists have published for their members the method of complaint should someone suspect that a person is using this title without being registered. These letters are not necessarily being generated via the HPC themselves but are in response to information supplied to the HPC by ?????

So be warned, and be aware, there are ‘snitches’ about!

Steve Foster
Sept. 05


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