
Embryology is key to understanding liquid and solid fascia, the universal singularity of our inner cosmos that is analogous to dark matter. Fascia continuity is verified by our form, continuous and unbroken. Since the earliest origins humans have pondered meaningful questions involving our place in the cosmos and how we arose from it. “for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return”, Genesis 3:19. Evolutionists and religious philosophers alike support the proposal that it is star dust from whence we came. Embryologists and anatomists can agree that whatever ‘dust’ is used in human creation it is the embryo that grows itself. No surgical intervention is required to attach limb buds or implant an organ. Embryo’s themselves grow the necessary structures to support life and motion. To appreciate the singularity that is fascia this paper provides observations made during dissections, supported by embryological, and tensegrity based principles shaping our inner cosmos. Embryology provides evidence of continuity through the singularity that is fascia, a liquid crystal matrix. All liquid crystals operate on a spectrum of hardness to softness, without straying from their fundamental category of soft matter. All liquid in the human body (with the exception of urine) is bound. That is, as variations on the liquid crystal theme, as volumes. Even bone begins as a cartilaginous placeholder and “crystalises” in to harder cases, containing soft matter within their more crystalline arrangements. Biotensegrity is a model that begins to explain the living architecture of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems.

Tensegrity based architecture facilitates forces required for nutrition and cellular diversity [i.e. mechanotransduction] leading to connective tissue specialisation [e.g. blood, lymph, fascia, bone] as a resulting combination of genetic and epigenetic expression. Fascia distributes tensional and compressional energy necessary to provoke physiology, metabolism, motion and biochemical responsiveness. Based on a synergy of genetics and epigenetics, nature’s creativity results in complex shapes, patterns and processes. DNA and RNA are orphan’s doomed to inactivity without the non-linear, force specific, oscillatory waves provided by epigenetic mechanisms emerging as a consequence of their pre-stressed cellular environment.

The instructions for gene expression within DNA, is nurtured and informed by the universal singularity that is fascia. This short paper provides evidence concerning the model-dependent reality of biotensegrity and presents an argument for fascia as the singularity of the inner cosmos.

John Sharkey – MSc

John Sharkey is an international educator, author and authority in the areas of clinical anatomy, exercise science, human movement and the manual treatment of chronic pain. He is a graduate of the University of Dundee, University of Liverpool and University of Chester. He completed undergraduate and post-graduate studies in the areas of exercise physiology, clinical anatomy and holds a post-graduate certificate in education. He is currently a senior lecturer within the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Life Sciences, University of Chester/NTC, Dublin and is the programme leader of the Biotensegrity focused Thiel soft fix cadaver dissection courses department of anatomy and human identification, Dundee University, Scotland.

John has been delivering human anatomy dissection courses for many years teaching the geometry of anatomy and movement from the unique Biotensegrity-Anatomy for the 21st Century perspective. His presentations are respectful, dynamic, entertaining, educational and insightful.

John promotes his model of “Biotensegrity-anatomy for the 21st century” integrating the pioneering work of his mentor Dr. Stephen Levin MD. John has been teaching European Neuromuscular Therapy using living anatomy and specialising in chronic pain conditions. He is recognised as one of the worlds leading authorities on fascia and Biotensegrity. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT), International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine and other professional journals.

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