Obituary of V.S.Pugh

Obituary of V.S.Pugh

It is with immense sadness that we report the passing of our immediate Past President Viv Pugh. Viv had been a staunch supporter of the LCSP Register for 40 years and described the pride he had being nominated and serving as its President from 2009 to 2012. Based in Cwmbran, South Wales, he developed a…

Next zoom coffee morning for members is Thursday 17th February

Next zoom coffee morning for members is Thursday 17th February

Our next coffee morning is scheduled for Thursday 17th February and the Zoom meeting will be open from 10am – 11am, feel free to drop in/out as your please and your appointments permit, it will be lovely to see old and new faces and have a catch up. For the login details please refer to…

Next coffee morning for members is Thursday 25th November

Next coffee morning for members is Thursday 25th November

Our next coffee morning is scheduled for Thursday 25th November and the Zoom meeting will be open from 1000 to 1100, feel free to drop in/out as you please and your appointments permit,  it will be lovely to see  old and new faces and have a catch up. For the login details please refer to…

Scientists put their finger on secret  of a good massage

Scientists put their finger on secret of a good massage

A massage isn’t just an indulgence — it really will help an injured muscle heal faster and stronger, new research suggests. Athletes have long believed that a good masseur can work wonders; reducing inflammation, improving blood flow and easing tightness after vigorous exercise. But in the thousands of years that massages have been given, the…

IKC Balancathon Global Charity Event on 25th September

IKC Balancathon Global Charity Event on 25th September

On September 25th 2021, the International Kinesiology College (IKC) is organising a global event to raise awareness of some self-empowerment well-being techniques. The IKC is a complementary therapy “college without walls”. The event will be using techniques from Touch for Health Kinesiology, an energetic approach to health and well-being, which merges modern chiropractic and Traditional…

Duty of Care: Post 19th July 2021

Duty of Care: Post 19th July 2021

“As per HM Government announcement the formal and legally required restrictions in England will be removed from 19th July 2021 and the onus will be upon personal responsibility for ongoing protection. As a therapist you have a professional duty of care and it is incumbent upon you to treat your patients/clients, safely, effectively and professionally….

Membership Renewals for 2021

Membership Renewals for 2021

The Board of the LCSP would like to acknowledge the difficulty and interruption to the business routines over the past year for all members. To this end your renewal date will now be extended by one month to 1st April 2021, this 13th month will be a free extra month of membership,  in addition to…

Treating patients who have had the Covid-19 Vaccine

Treating patients who have had the Covid-19 Vaccine

The programme of vaccination has commenced, with those who will be administering the vaccines getting the vaccine first, followed by high-risk groups. Current vaccines require two doses between 21-28 days apart. All therapists must maintain their strict Covid-19 protocols even if their patient has been vaccinated. The patient and therapist should continue to wear a…

Eleven Council areas move into Tier 4 in Scotland

Eleven Council areas move into Tier 4 in Scotland

The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has announced that 11 council areas will go into her highest tier of restrictions from 6pm on Friday 20th of November for 3 weeks, the equivalent of almost full lockdown apart from schools and education staying open. The council areas that will move to Tier 4 for a limited 3-week…

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