Can you be curious?

Can you be curious?

When people with chronic issues come for treatment, often they are those who have been around a number of therapists without much success.  Then they come to check out what we do. In these instances, our focus is simple: find the ‘root cause’. My very first teacher, Ken Woodward, taught me to be curious. Ken…

LCSP Register Zoom Tutorial Coffee Morning Thursday 25th January

LCSP Register Zoom Tutorial Coffee Morning Thursday 25th January

We start the year with our first ‘tutorial’ coffee morning starting at 1015 which will be a presentation by Susan Findlay on the subject of ‘massage therapy treatments in cancer patients’. This is a subject that is frequently enquired about by therapists looking for training and advice and very often members of the public seeking…

Hip flexor standing lunge

Hip flexor standing lunge

Great standing hip flexor stretch to open up the front of the body, especially for runners and cyclists, or those who sit at a desk all day. This can also be used instead of kneeling variations for people who find it uncomfortable on the knees.

Scar tissue holds hints about pancreatic cancer outcome, research finds

Scar tissue holds hints about pancreatic cancer outcome, research finds

Scar tissue that forms around a growing pancreatic tumor called a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma harbors valuable clues as to how long people with these cancers are likely to live, according to a new study led by researchers at Stanford Medicine The architecture and organization of cells in the scar tissue can be used to categorize patients into two groups….

A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease where the immune system agents attack synovial membranes and causes chronic inflammation that affects multiple joints and connective tissue throughout the body. The onset of RA is usually quite long and slow. It tends to present in the hands and wrists initially. However this can be preceded…

A Second Chance for a Healthy Heart

A Second Chance for a Healthy Heart

 Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, is the leading cause of death worldwide.“Adult human hearts are not very good at repairing themselves,” said Conrad Hodgkinson, an associate professor of medicine and pathology at Duke University School of Medicine who oversaw the study.  “Once they have a heart attack or any type of damage, there’s…

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