Unravelling the Fascia Cancer Access Free Workshop

Unravelling the Fascia Cancer Access Free Workshop

Fantatsic free zoom webinar on April 25th starting at 6pm with renowned International cancer research expert Dr. Peter Friedl will engage in an enlightening dialogue with clinical anatomist and fascia specialist John Sharkey, as they probe the depths of Dr. Friedl’s cutting-edge research. On the agenda is fascia and its profound implications for better understanding…

Plantar Fasciitis: Pathology Presentation and Treatment Tips

Plantar Fasciitis: Pathology Presentation and Treatment Tips

Presentation of Plantar Fasciitis Known as an overuse condition which results in the inflammation of .. you guessed it, plantar fascia.  It can be in one or both feet. Pain usually presents with a slow onset with no history of injury or trauma to the area and is generally worse in the morning ie. Getting…

Pilates Foot Series: Foot, ankle & calf strengthening

Pilates Foot Series: Foot, ankle & calf strengthening

The Pilates Foot Series exercise is a great exercise for strengthening the foot, ankle and calf complex. It incorporates concentric and eccentric strengthening and stretching for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, whilst strengthening the foot muscles and challenging balance and core and pelvic stability. Therefore this exercise is useful for achilles, plantar fascia, and calf…

Fascia Focused Dissection Retreat with John Sharkey

Fascia Focused Dissection Retreat with John Sharkey

Fantastic opportunity to enrol on an unique course on fascia focused human dissection with John Sharkey and his special guest Dr Andrzej Pilat, University of Barcelona, who has written a very beautiful book on Fascial induction. The course takes place at the world famous Trecchi Human, under the auspices the Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and…

Next Zoom Coffee Morning will be Thursday March 28th

Next Zoom Coffee Morning will be Thursday March 28th

The next in our series of coffee morning tutorials will be interesting, informative and thought provoking. Jade Revell will be looking at and discussing the needs and requirements of specific sub groups within our patient or client list. Looking at the legal/moral/ethical and practical considerations when dealing with the elderly, the disabled, children and clients…

Sliding Cat Stretch

Sliding Cat Stretch

A great modification of your normal cat stretch for spinal mobility, but with the added resistance from the towel it also increases core and shoulder activation for strength and stability.

A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease where the immune system agents attack synovial membranes and causes chronic inflammation that affects multiple joints and connective tissue throughout the body. The onset of RA is usually quite long and slow. It tends to present in the hands and wrists initially. However this can be preceded…

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