The Importance of Subjective Assessment

The Importance of Subjective Assessment

I see more and more patients presenting with complex pain patterns. I wonder if this is just me or is this happening to many other therapists? Certainly therapists attending workshops over the last couple of years have commented that this was their experience also. Therefore subjective assessment has been increasingly important. At the workshops we…

LCSP Register – Tutorial Coffee Morning Thursday 6th October

LCSP Register – Tutorial Coffee Morning Thursday 6th October

Following on from the successful LCSP general Coffee Mornings, we are very pleased to announce that the first ‘Tutorial Coffee Morning’ will be held on Thursday 6th October. The inaugural presentation will be from Alistair McLoughlin giving a brief presentation on his splendid research and evidence based work on ‘Scar Tissue’.  This is a subject…

Cancer, Exercise and Massage

Cancer, Exercise and Massage

Historically, massage has mistakenly been viewed as a contradiction for individuals who are currently undergoing treatment for, or who have a history of, cancer. Cancer is a broad term used to describe a set of diseases characterised by cell mutation, and division of cells in the body that often spread to surrounding tissue forming tumours….

What does it mean to pass?

What does it mean to pass?

I’ve been reflecting recently on the effect passing or gaining a qualification has on our work. Often we aim for that one passing grade – but is this all we need? Quite a few years ago now, the decision to change my career and study at the Northern Institute of Massage fitted in with having a new…

A Guide to Post Event Work

A Guide to Post Event Work

Excerpts from Sports Massage, a hands-on guide for therapists… by Susan Findlay Event work can be rewarding, challenging, and have an air of excitement. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your skills to potential clients.  Many of my graduates use event work as an opportunity to network, get their foot in the door, gain experience…

Sports Therapy UK – Change your career

Sports Therapy UK – Change your career

Meet some of our students who have changed their careers and are now qualified sports massage therapists. If you would like a career involving sport, then why not try our sports massage intro day to find out whether it’s for you…

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