What is Diastasis Recti? (Mummy Tummy)

What is Diastasis Recti? (Mummy Tummy)

Having a baby changes your body and some elements may never be quite feel the same again, however, these changes may not to be permanent. Diastasis Recti During pregnancy, the rectus abdominal muscles that runs down the center of your abdomen becomes stretched and can weaken and even separate, this is referred to as diastasis…

Reasons to Maintain Humour in Your Life

Reasons to Maintain Humour in Your Life

Laughter is the best medicine. An age old saying that we all know and love, but do we actually understand the truth behind it? I recently released my Massage Monday Blooper video, and it was while I was watching it back, that I realised just how important humour is in my life. In fact, in all…

The Human Side of Scars

The Human Side of Scars

In this video we explore how scarring affects the psychology and emotional state of a person. Unfortunately, this is an often neglected result of scars from surgery or accidental injury, but the effects can last a lifetime. Most people don’t realise that the psychological and emotional effects of scarring can be helped, sometimes quite quickly…

Marathon Season is approaching, what are you doing to prepare?

Marathon Season is approaching, what are you doing to prepare?

Many of you may have signed up to  a marathon/ half-marathon this year.  Maybe you have a few questions?  We would like to help your marathon season go a little smoother and injury free.  Did you know the number one reason for non starters is injury?  With it accounting for 42% of cases.  Also did you…

How To Set Goals

How To Set Goals

Goal setting is something we are taught in our massage courses for a couple of reasons. Firstly in order to establish goals for our clients, and then hopefully when you put together your business plan. You have probably thought about doing it in one form or another, but maybe it has not become a regular…

Why I Love Treating Long Term Pain and How to Solve It

Why I Love Treating Long Term Pain and How to Solve It

So you’ve probably experienced this before. When you’re working with someone and you just can’t clear that long standing hip pain, back pain headaches and jaw pain. When you have done the testing and assessing, and you still can’t find just what is causing the problem. When the pain is moving around the body. When…



REFRESH Are you starting to get COVID-19 weary? Isolation is sure to be an incredibly testing time for everyone, especially for us as therapists who, as well as the psychological strain of lockdown, many of us are also dealing with the financial fears of losing our livelihood as we depend on human contact for work….

Sciatica – A pain in the back side!

Sciatica – A pain in the back side!

Sciatica, have you had it or know someone who has? Up to 40% of the population can suffer with sciatica at some point in their lives, and therefore is a common problem GP’s and therapist see patients for. But what is it and why is it such a pain in the back side? Sciatica is…

Are the words you speak having the desired impact?

Are the words you speak having the desired impact?

It might seem obvious that if you improve your communication skills between yourself and your client it will lead to an increase in positive outcomes, but as massage therapists we often concentrate on our hands on skills and pay little attention to what we say, but what we say really can make a difference to…

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