A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Therapist’s Guide to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease where the immune system agents attack synovial membranes and causes chronic inflammation that affects multiple joints and connective tissue throughout the body. The onset of RA is usually quite long and slow. It tends to present in the hands and wrists initially. However this can be preceded…

Next Zoom Coffee Morning will be Thursday 30th November

Next Zoom Coffee Morning will be Thursday 30th November

Continuing our monthly catch ups via Zoom,  Thursday 30th November will be a ‘General Coffee Morning’ for anybody to attend with no set agenda or topics, we just chat, chew the fat of life and put the world to rights! The event will run between 10:15 am – 11:15am If you have a question or…

A Second Chance for a Healthy Heart

A Second Chance for a Healthy Heart

 Cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, is the leading cause of death worldwide.“Adult human hearts are not very good at repairing themselves,” said Conrad Hodgkinson, an associate professor of medicine and pathology at Duke University School of Medicine who oversaw the study.  “Once they have a heart attack or any type of damage, there’s…

Don’t miss Talking Heads Part 2 this Thursday, November 2nd

Don’t miss Talking Heads Part 2 this Thursday, November 2nd

Thursday 2nd November  1015  will see the second instalment of the ‘Talking Heads’ series with Jo Graveson in discussion again with Sue Bennett (the first instalment is available in the members’ area on the website). A simple one to one 30 minute chat about actually being a therapist and all the peripheral details of being…

John Sharkey — AG Chat at the 6th International Fascia Research Congress

John Sharkey — AG Chat at the 6th International Fascia Research Congress

Another Fascia Research Congress chat with the amazing and brilliant John Sharkey. John Sharkey Events are beyond educational. They are transformational. His work in neuromuscular therapy and bodywork spans the globe. I loved spending time with him at the congress and our conversation was delightful. He’s a clinical anatomist, exercise physiologist, educator and founder of…

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