Should We Recommend Natural Running For Our Athletes?

Should We Recommend Natural Running For Our Athletes?

This article will appeal to LCSP Massage Therapists that work with competitive runners and triathletes. The article looks at the potential benefits and pitfalls of “Natural Running”….and its current evidence base.  It has been written for the Journal of sportEX dynamics at the request of the Editor Tor Davis and will be published in the 2012 July edition….

What Has The LCSP Register Ever Done For Me?

What Has The LCSP Register Ever Done For Me?

Those of us who ever saw the Monty Python film “The life of Brian” will remember the scene where the Pythons, playing the parts of Britons under Roman rule, moan about what the Romans had ever done for them. As they sit thinking on this they realise that the Romans had given them a huge…

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