This year’s AGM is to be held on the 27th June at The Urban Village Resort, East park Drive, Blackpool, FY3 8LL (0871 222 4616).
The AGM will take place in the morning and in the afternoon between 1pm – 5pm we have a guest speaker, John Sharkey MSc
John Sharkey MSc is a unique manual therapist combining academic qualifications as a clinical anatomist (BACA) and exercise physiologist (BASES). He brings more than thirty years of clinical experience to his presentations peppered with the experience he has gained throughout his career working alongside his mentors and colleagues Leon Chaitow, David G. Simons, Stephen Levin MD, Professor Kevin Sykes and other accepted pioneers.
As a clinical anatomist and published researcher John provides bespoke dissection courses specialising in Thiel soft fix cadaver technique and fresh frozen cadavers providing unique research opportunities in Fascia and BioTensegrity. Promoting the sparring of fascia during invasive operative procedures is an important goal for John.
John is now recognised as a leading protagonist of BioTensegrity (the new anatomy for the 21st century) providing new models and paradigm shifts concerning living movement and anatomy promoting therapeutic interventions for the reduction of chronic pain . He is a best selling author with titles on myofascial trigger points and fibromyalgia and has three new titles with North Atlantic Press/Lotus Publishing planned for 2016. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT), International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.