Specialising in Oncology Massage

Specialising in Oncology Massage

I have been a massage therapist for 20 plus years. If you have been following my blogs and career then you may well know that I consider myself a holistic practitioner. This means that I treat the body as a whole; I understand the complex interplay between different parts of the body and the symptoms…

Creating space: Mental Health Awareness Week

Creating space: Mental Health Awareness Week

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor Frankl This quote appeared in Brene Brown’s feeds this week and it got me thinking, along with the stories I’ve been seeing around Mental Health Awareness week.  In…

Triathlon Upper Back Mobility

Triathlon Upper Back Mobility

Upper back mobility is really important for triathletes, to enable them to swim and run with good technique.  However the latest research shows that time spent in the saddle is stiffening up our spines and hips which is effecting performance and injury risk during duathlons and triathlons.

Proposal For A New Pedagogical Approach In Teaching Anatomy To Medical Students, Part I: Fascia Continuity In The Anatomy Curriculum

Proposal For A New Pedagogical Approach In Teaching Anatomy To Medical Students, Part I: Fascia Continuity In The Anatomy Curriculum

Medical students and post-graduate medical specialists, for example, physicians, surgeons, anaesthesiologists and gynaecologists require more than a simple impression of anatomy. A consensus exists that the study of anatomy by dissection provides the most realistic command of continuity, and embryological forming,essential for safe, effective clinical practice in medicine. Evidence demonstrates effective pedagogies are linked to…

Cancer and Massage Therapy: Is what they’re saying true?

Cancer and Massage Therapy: Is what they’re saying true?

Right from the start, I want to make it clear that you can pretty much find studies that will counter act other studies. The intention of this article is to highlight what is being discussed at the moment, and give the opportunity for both sides to be heard. There is, and always has been, an…

Shoulder blade posture (Scapula Setting) 

Shoulder blade posture (Scapula Setting) 

Shoulder blade (scapula) positioning and posture is important when rehabilitating and strengthening the upper back an shoulder complex. Poor control or posture can cause pain into the arms, shoulder, neck and upper back. This video teaches you how to set your shoulders posture before progressing to strengthening exercises.

Finding my Mojo

Finding my Mojo

When we were first put into lockdown, everything I was working on; normal stuff that would take the school and my online massage coaching program forward, was put on hold. Instead I found myself working fast and anxiously, paddling furiously to keep my head above water, dealing with one crisis after another. Trying to support,…

The Need To Specialise in Massage Therapy

The Need To Specialise in Massage Therapy

Specialising is not a bad word! I understand as a therapist there is so much more that we offer and the idea of specializing might somehow appear to limit what we can deliver. I also know that some of the best sessions are usually the ones that use a variety of techniques and can respond…

Why use METs and how to make them your own

Why use METs and how to make them your own

When I first came across METs I was studying for my Higher Diploma from the Northern institute of Massage; it was an essential requirement to learn this technique. As therapists gathered round to watch demo after demo, I, being a questioner (see Gretchen Rubin, The Four Tendencies), was soon asking “how come”,  “isn’t that a big…

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