Next zoom coffee morning for members

Next zoom coffee morning for members

The next coffee morning will be on Tuesday 16th March at 1030am.  All our members are welcome to join in for information, questions or indeed just listen and drink a coffee. The Zoom meeting details are on the noticeboard in the members area on the website We love to see you all there.

Annual General Meeting 2021(via Zoom)

Annual General Meeting 2021(via Zoom)

The next AGM is on Saturday 26th June 2021, this meeting was to be a weekend with speakers in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Given the uncertainty of the complete removal of restrictions in whatever form it has been decided that it would be unwise to commit to a physical meeting this year.  As such the AGM will still be…

Assessment: My Experience and Beliefs

Assessment: My Experience and Beliefs

I started my career by training at the Northern Institute of Massage way back in 1991. This was a career change, and I I fell in love with treating people, helping them, which quickly developed into exploring how you enable people to wellness. I believe assessment is so key to finding how we are going…

Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions-Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome

Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions-Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome

ABSTRACT The novel virus identified as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [SARS-CoV-2] has resulted in the Coronavirus disease [COVID-19] worldwide pandemic. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 has surpassed 57 million people globally and numbers are exponentially increasing weekly. Significant numbers of recovering patients are reporting long-term, on-going painful soft tissue and respiratory complications. While the total…

Membership Renewals for 2021

Membership Renewals for 2021

The Board of the LCSP would like to acknowledge the difficulty and interruption to the business routines over the past year for all members. To this end your renewal date will now be extended by one month to 1st April 2021, this 13th month will be a free extra month of membership,  in addition to…

Osteopathic principles and how they relate to scar tissue

Osteopathic principles and how they relate to scar tissue

Although osteopaths recognise the influence scar tissue can have upon the patient, many body-workers have not made the same connection. Scar tissue is often an ignored component of bodywork techniques and education. So it is pertinent to review osteopathic principles and how important and interrelated with scar tissue they really are:  Here we outline the…

Fascia Net Plastination Project

Fascia Net Plastination Project

Since the 1st International Fascia Research Congress (FRC) in 2007 and the subsequent increase in fascia related research, much of which has been published by JBMT and other journals, it is true to say fascia is well and truly established as an important topic in medical science. Due to the nature of fascia, its architecture…

Site-specific fascia tuning pegs and places of perilous passage myofascial considerations in upper extremity entrapment neuropathies: A Clinical Anatomist’s View

Site-specific fascia tuning pegs and places of perilous passage myofascial considerations in upper extremity entrapment neuropathies: A Clinical Anatomist’s View

The objective of this study was to identify common anatomical locations of densified fascia associated with axillary, musculocutaneous, median, ulnar and radial nerve entrapment. Additionally, a proposal concerning a tensegrity based expansive decompressive protective role of muscles and ligaments as ‘site-specific fascia tuning pegs’ is offered for consideration. This observational report provides a means to…

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