Touch for Health 2: The Law of Five Elements

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Date(s) - 18/05/2018 - 19/05/2018
All Day

The Poplars


Led by Rachel Lead
Cost £240.00 for two days
Dress code Loose, comfortable, smart
CPD 15 CPD Hours
Amenities Workbook/Certificate (no lunch provided)

Touch for Health level 2. (TFH 2). Pre-requisite TFH 1.
This 2 day training (15 hours) is the 2nd level of the TFH kinesiology foundation training. Basically you learn to monitor/test another 14 muscles of the body, this means you will now know 28 in total, which again link to the meridian system of Traditional Chinese and Tibetan Energy work. This level starts to look at The Law of Five Elements, and further ways of assessing a person’s health care. Alarm Points for ‘over energy’ and Acupressure Holding Points are introduced. Other extra techniques are also taught.

For more information on this workshop please contact us by:

Tel: 01379 388031 or 07733 105752
For more information