The work we do on ourselves

The work we do on ourselves

Before psychiatrists or psychologists are allowed to work with patients, they have to undertake personal therapy to ensure they’re in the best mind to help. As physical therapists, we don’t technically have to do this. We’re just treating the body, not the mind, aren’t we? I think anyone who works in clinic knows this isn’t…

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week run by the UK’s Mental Health Foundation ( and we are sharing our first post about Mental Wellbeing. Today we’re asking members to take a moment & consider how their mental health is – pause for a minute and ask yourself – ‘How am I…?’ We’d love to hear how you are,…

Home Office Chair Mobility

Home Office Chair Mobility

Whilst sitting at your desk it is important to keep moving to help prevent aches and pains building in the neck and back. Try this little sequence at different points in your day to keep you mobile and improve your posture at your desk.

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology

Knowledge and an understanding of the human body and how it functions is the starting point of sports massage theory. The more we understand about how the body functions, what may interrupt this functioning (such as trauma and injury), and what influence increased activity has on the systems that combine to make it function, the…

What is Sports Massage?

What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage is a form of massage involving the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity. Soft tissue is connective tissue that has not hardened into bone and cartilage; it includes skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (a form of connective tissue that lines and ensheathes the other soft…

5 Step Shoulder Assessment

5 Step Shoulder Assessment

Shoulder issues are common as they are a highly used part of the body which is put under frequent strain. It is also an area of the body that is particularly interconnected with integral joints, such as the neck, ribcage, scapula, clavicle, and spine. All too often clients come to me after being diagnosed with…

The Use of Massage Therapy for Tendinitis/ Tendinopathy

The Use of Massage Therapy for Tendinitis/ Tendinopathy

‘Tendon disorders represent some of the most frequent orthopedic diagnoses, accounting for over 30% of all musculoskeletal consultations.’ (1) What are tendons? Tendons are the thick, fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone, not to be confused with ligaments, which attach bone to bone. Tendons are connective tissues that are made up collagen, a strong…

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