Neck, Jaw and Chest & Treating the Shoulder

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Neck, Jaw and Chest & Treating the Shoulder

Date(s) - 17/02/2024
All Day

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This is a half-day practical workshop and online course ran by NLSSM Director, Susan Findlay!

This course will allow you to develop the skills to deliver a more holistic treatment.

Whether you are working in the jaw or elsewhere, being observant and setting up a clear set of rules will increase the benefits to both you and your clients.

This is a half day course. Susan is also running a Treating the Shoulder workshop in the afternoon of the same day

Develop Your Knowledge

The course covers a variety of common pathologies and how to treat them effectively, such as Whiplash, Torticollis, TMJ and Headaches.

A jaw that moves freely and comfortably can impact many conditions including your clients day-to-day activities and has even been shown to improve a runners technique.

Be the go-to neck, jaw and chest specialist with creative suggestions that will bring a fresh approach to each treatment.

Refine Your Skills
This course will develop your assessment skills and show you how you can seamlessly make them part of your treatment.

It will teach you how you can increase the effectiveness of your treatments, and bring sensitivity and skill into your touch.

Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding will be at the forefront of the course, it will lay the foundation for a more effective touch
Targeted soft tissue techniques
Develop your assessment skills both visually and through touch and increase the accuracy of your findings
Learn how to work with a number of pathologies using a variety of techniques integrated into your treatments
Integrate your new found techniques into a treatment that can improve your session outcomes
Become a more confident therapist, your clients will appreciate your sensitive and accurate touch
Learn how to understand and evaluate your findings (case studies)
To have a range of recommendations for home care

Who is this course for

Those who wish to excel as a soft tissue therapist or who have a background in manual health care.
General forms of massage therapy
Strength and conditioning coaches and more

This is an advanced massage course, the prerequisite is you have a relevant hands-on therapy qualification or massage experience and are aged 18+

The cost for 1 day double workshop with online courses is £299.00
For more information and how to book –