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London and Counties Society of Physiologists

01502 563344 |


MSTR® in an innovative and effective method of sucessfully and reliably addressing scar tissue and fibrous adhesions. In the years since its inception, it has proved to be a firm favourite with thousands of healthcare practitioners who have taken the MSTR® training course and use it daily in their work. We enjoy great support from our MSTR® community and practitioners post regular stories of the life-changing results that MSTR® can and does provide. So we’d like to thank everyone who uses and endorses MSTR®. But more than that…

Are you looking for a Massage Refresher Course that will help you to return to massage after having a break, or do you need help to work on the practical elements, your biomechanics, do you need a massage course that will help you to address physical concerns such as a job related injury?

Be Safe. Be Effective.

This course focuses on developing your understanding of common conditions and how to manage the complexity and support your clients journey.

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